Sunday 19 August 2012

Escaping the Concrete Jungle 'Society at it's finest'

This world started with forests, forests everywhere! with technological advancement it seems theres a new type of forests taking over, and it's spreading everyday. This jungle isn't any natural jungle, it's society. society is growing, and as it grows, we're spreading over every field, forest and beginning to go for the oceans. The concrete jungle is a plague, one that's eventually going to become so big that it will collapse upon itself, and whatever is left will be ugly. Terrible and ugly.

What will happen when the rest of us are dead, from the collapse of society? however many people survive will be left with nothing, no natural resources. We need to keep natural resources. We need to escape from the concrete jungle.

I personally enjoy hunting, I've never done it before but it's something I would love to do, and will definitely be doing in the future. but will that work when there's no forests or animals to hunt? there is no way in hell I'm doing some virtual reality simulation hunting! I want that rush, that adrenaline of going in for the kill, that moment of power you feel of the judgement of that Animal's life. I'm sure it sounds cruel but it's an awesome feeling, and i'm wanting to become an archer.. what better way than to relive what our ancestor's would have done?

Society's said living is getting more and complicated, but who's fault is that really? Humanity's! it's getting harder and harder because we want money, so we take each other's money. We all know politicians focus on the money, why else would they keep attempting to raise or make new taxes? Because they get the money.

I want to go live in a forest. With a horse, archery equipment, a few tools and maybe a tent. It's simpler that way. The only thing to focus on is keeping alive, hunting and searching for water. no tax, no work, no laws. Just simple, plain living. It actually sounds like quite a pleasant lifestyle. people say we need to learn from history's mistakes, wars, genocide, rape, injustice. but have you ever though of how wrong they could be?

I think history should be learning from us, we should be learning from us. The people of the Dark Ages and the Renaissance were onto something, we lost it. We were too busy trying to better ourselves. we don't realise how good we have it, compared to them having to live day-to-day, not knowing when they would be attacked by an opposing force or some plague. We take it all for granted. And as much as I'm a Tech Junkie, an aspiring programmer, a gamer. I wish things were simpler, back like the middle ages, where fights weren't all politics. you wanted a fight? you fought. it wasn't all taking someone to court because they refuse to pay child support for their child who is 16 years of age.

My faith in humanity is very small, there are only a few people in this world I believe will turn out to be good people, but as the generations progress, the general population is dwindling in IQ's.

people have wanted to and even schemed for a revolution. to take us back to how it all used to be. but it's impossible. We would go mad! Nobody could handle not living with the things we use everyday, we would have to ween ourselves off of them before doing something stupid. because we would fall into anarchy, take sides of who wants to go back and who wants to stay in primitivity. That wouldn't be very good. the first thing the 2 sides would do is arm themselves, thats more death destruction.

Society's got a grip on us, tighter than anyone realises. We can't escape, that concrete jungle is our prison, there's no way out. No matter how many people talk themselves up, no one is getting out, We've got a checkmate on our asses that we can't get out of.

Money is the root of all evil? no.
Money is a creation of Humans, we made money. Evil, Good, honour, Moral, Ethics. They're human words. Clearly that gives you an idea? Money isn't evil. We are.

Saturday 18 August 2012

Skrillex's ingenuity

Skrillex has been either loved or hated all over the world, but he is in fact one of the most Revolutionary music producers in the 21st Century.  Sonny Moore has no longer been classed in the dubstep genre but of a whole new one which hasn't been named. In the 2012 Grammy's they just stated that he made EDM (electronic dance music), and that he couldn't be classed in such a con-formative genre.

Skrillex is also one of the smartest  music producers to date, using lyrics from his own songs to produce the actual backbone of all his recent songs, as well as placing messages and snippets of random things in his songs. Didn't know that did you? Here is a list I compiled myself of the things in His songs, he doesn't do it with all of them, mainly just the ones of his first 2 EP's:

Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites- The jumbled words of the 'Nice Sprite' just sound like jumbled words don't they, like some other language? WRONG!  in fact, the 'jumbled' words are actually given away towards the end of the song. The whole Nice Sprite lyrics is just "I'm just like you, you don't need" played backwards throughout the song. playing through his song normally you will hear at the end; "you don't need to hide my friend, for I'm just like you". thats where he gets the words from.

Equinox (first of the year) - now equinox was a confusing one to decipher as it's actually the lyrics from one of his really old songs Which is actually called Equinox. This song is back when he was just Sonny Moore, fresh out of FFTL (from first to last).

Slats Slats Slats-  the message in this song are just the lyrics from the song "signal" back from when he was Sonny Moore again.

Rock'N'Roll (will take you to the mountain) - I couldn't discern the words in this song, but there is a conversation going on throughout parts of it, and lyrics to one of his old songs, although which song has not been uncovered as of yet.

With you friends- with you friends is hard to understand playing it through normally, but the message is quite clear throughout the song. "I'm alive"

one of the only similar cases like this was a transitioner in a song. Dj- Satomi's 'Castle in the Sky' was a trance hit, making the top 100 in a week, and has stayed there for a long time. he put an transition (snippets in the song from the other song) but making it seem like part of the song, when you listen to any of his songs however, you can hear the similarities in the tune.

Monday 5 March 2012

 "Language is an arena meant for innovation and not stagnation.  Social media is causing people to be more efficient and judicious with their sentences, words, and even letters. This forces each member of Twitter and Facebook to make a very important distinction in their online voice, and the result of this decision is incredibly influential in the building of one’s online brand and personality and on the English language as a whole.  As language continues to change through social media, we will see different people take different approaches to writing, speaking, and communicating.  This will cause language to become more personal and more subjective: we can see this with every tweet, with every status."  Eric Abrams.

Hypothesis: Social Media is rapidly growing, and so is the English language. Social Media is actually helping the adaptation of our language. it is not really evolving, as Eric Abram says "it is not something that organically breathes, changes, and evolves over time on its own".

The English language is a complicated thing, what with the many different ways of spelling and pronouncing every word, and the small things like there and their. As the Human race evolves, so too will all the languages we use. It is not a bad thing though as many people would like to portray, but rather, its proof of humanity becoming more efficient in the way they speak. all these new abbreviations and such have even come to be incorporated into speaking to one another face to face, "I totally lolled at the funny cat pic, like omg it was so funny!". simple abbreviations like this are making it easier to say a sentence, in much shorter of a time, and is actually being called "effective and more conversationalist" as it allow for much more speech to occur in a minute,then using full words and pronunciation. so too are these words being used in social media everywhere "OMG I totz went to the cenna 2day... smf!!!!!" (smf: so much fun). this is a simple but common Facebook status you would see, the only real place you would be likely to go and see near-perfect grammar, and maybe the occasional "lol" or "gtfo" (rude language) would be forum sites and blogs such as this one you're reading. 

The only difficulty is explaining it. so let's see how I go. Jargon (also know as net-slang) is increasingly becoming part of the English language, with over 3,000 words derived from the internet, are incorporated in dictionaries. Schools are starting to become weary of the effects social media is having on students, as they are seeing more "gr8"s, "u"s and "r"s in student's schoolwork. They should not be scared of this change though, as it inevitable that this will one of the biggest changes ever, written language joining net-slang into it.

There are many video games that have there own set of custom words, and all games differ with their vernacular. World of warcraft have their own set of words, where Call Of Duty has their own words. They also have different meanings in different countries.

This just proves that Language is just evolving, but it's just going back to how we started. Primitive talking, where only a set few of us even grasp a small understanding of what other groups are saying.

English has always been the hardest language to ever learn, and it's getting harder by the day... instead of using this stupid lingo, why not take that extra second to type the full word? it makes you look smarter and everyone can understand it. All it takes is a bit of effort to reach out and speak like a normal human, not some tech junkie. Don't be a 'butthurt Dweller" (basement geek) and use proper english. it could even help you with your career and lifestyle


 LOL, gtfo noob!


Wednesday 29 February 2012

Ok, so I've signed up to this wonderful site, in the hope of finding a new place to set my thoughts.

I'm new here, and any support/tips would be greatly appreciated.

Some of my stuff may be inappropriate in terms of language or may be offensive at times, but i will do my best to keep this blog as clean aspossible.