Wednesday 30 July 2014

His muse

The world slowly grew black & white around him, the colour and love dissipating in front of his very eyes. The beauty of the world that captured his heart and mind so well, faded to nothing and caused not a spark in his heart.

Where did the colour go?

Where did the beauty go?

Alas, it never left. The growing doubt in his mind was what kept the colour out, everything and anything he saw, nothing more than splotchy sketches upon the grey canvas that was this world.
He searched and searched, throughout himself and the world around, for that bit of colour. Futile it seemed, but he didn't give up, not yet.

Time and time again he was knocked down, unable to find any more footings to get back up.
he let go, welcoming the very defeat he feared. For his world fell to darkness, he tripped, and tripped, and tripped, unable to find the very ground beneath him.

Crazy as it seemed, by all that was impossible, he finally saw it. He found the one thing that carried his life on, the linger of colour that seemed so out of reach. Erratically, the colour came to form, as he gazed upon the miraculous sight. Realising the form, he became confused, it was just a girl, but a beautiful one at that. In awe, his mind pieced it together, slowly spelling it out to him as he gazed in adoration of this colourful splotch, traversing through the grayscale world, as if it didn't belong. Eventually he accepted what it meant, he had to muster every ounce of courage within him, for this was his calling.

Cautiously, he made his way to the colourful splotch in front of him. Rehearsing in his head, were the words he wanted to say to her, but each time he scrapped it, claiming it not good enough for the likes of her. Yet the words eventually climbed out of his throat, almost in a chorus of beauty.

"Stars!", he stammered, choking up on the words.

Thrown off, she looked at him, inquisitive to the most odd situation laid in front of her.
"Ahh?", she was confused, unsure what to say.

"Like stars, your eyes! Your eyes are like stars.", he blurted out, shocked at his own words.

She began to smile slightly, but still confused, she tilted her head, maintaining her watch over him as he tried to collect his thoughts.

He exhaled, ready to speak, he opened his mouth, the words flowing from his tongue like the running of a waterfall.

"Your eyes, are like stars. But your smile is in constant battle to bring out the light of the sun. Either one, you bring nothing but the beauty of above to our eyes."

He was shocked, unaware of the words he was saying, astonished by the very inspiration welling up inside of him. He smiled, a sensation he had not felt in almost forever.

The girl giggled, her beautiful smile calming the very nervous boy.
She slowly walked up to the boy, the sight scaring him. he didn't know how to act.
She took him by the hands, their eyes locking in the most beautiful of gazes.

In her eyes he saw the universe, he saw the planets and the stars and the dust that travelled throughout, he saw colours of which he couldn't imagine in his black and white universe.
Her eyes were the portal to the very thing he yearned for, she was the linger of colour he had yet to find, but for the moment he didn't notice what he couldn't see.
The girl so beautiful, so perfect in his very eyes, he failed to see the broken heart that lay within, the very heart he was destined to repair. But for her, the effort would be none, she was his pen, the world his paper. They would carve their names through everywhere they went, as if the etchings were on a map.

For the smile she gave him, the tingles he received as she clutched his hands, and the warmth he accepted as they embraced, they brought the colour back to his world, the beautiful sound back to his ears, and the beauty back to the world around him.

For he realised his inspiration was within her, his motivation.

She was, his muse.

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